
Top Trackers Providing Excellent Support for Multiple Offer Click URLs

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A majority of affiliates running paid traffic campaigns with landing pages build their landers to lead to a conversion on a single offer. It makes everything simple and “easy”.

However, many funnels have been around for years and can easily be adapted to run multiple offers on the same landing page. For example, on a sweepstakes landing page, when you get to the end of the game/quiz/etc., there are typically 1 of 3 offers available, and the other 2 are “sold out” or “claimed.”

Why not have 3 different prizes the user can choose from? Maybe they don’t want an iPhone but instead want a Samsung phone.

Top Trackers Providing Excellent Support for Multiple Offer Click URLs

That’s just one example. There are other times when you might utilize your tracker’s multi-click URL to push multiple offers on the same landing page as well.

Sure, you mainly want conversions on the primary offer your landing page was built for (and that’s highly likely what will happen), but an alternative option presented may be more intriguing to a visitor and lead to a conversion you otherwise wouldn’t have gotten without presenting it.

For a long time, dealing with the multi-click URLs on your landing page was just a pain. Configuring the tracking for it without losing the ability to A/B test was a total nightmare. It was just easier to run one offer, and that was that.

The main issue you’ll encounter with most trackers is that you can’t rotate offers on a multi-offer click URL; they just simply weren’t designed for it (for some unknown reason). 

To clear up any confusion about what I’m talking about, I’ve made a diagram below and highlighted the functionality missing from most trackers in green.

Top Trackers Providing Excellent Support for Multiple Offer Click URLs

These days, there are only a couple of tracking options available if you want to have a convenient experience when running multiple offers on the same landing page:


FunnelFlux Pro​

I believe FunnelFlux was probably the first tracker to have this ability. With the visual funnel editor, you can have an action (aka click URL) link to a group of offers that will be rotated based on the percentages you select in the options for that offer group.

Top Trackers Providing Excellent Support for Multiple Offer Click URLs

As far as I can tell, this functionality is only available in the visual funnel editor, and it doesn’t appear to be possible in the “simple flow” setup.


ClickFlare is a newer tracker to the market, but have already put out some impressive features… like the ability to rotate offers when you have multiple on your landing page.

 It’s very easy to configure. All you have to do is select “advanced flow” when setting up your campaign routing and put your landing page(s) and offer(s) in.

In the following example, I have one landing page with 2 CTAs on it. On CTA 1 I’m rotating 3 offers at equal weight, and on CTA 2 I’m rotating 4 offers at equal weight.

Top Trackers Providing Excellent Support for Multiple Offer Click URLs

I personally find ClickFlare the easiest to use, especially if you have more than a couple of CTAs on your landing page and want to rotate offers on all of them.


Other Trackers?​

As far as I can tell, no other trackers are able to rotate multiple offers when you’re running multi-offer click URLs on your landing page. If you know of any, please do leave a comment down below and let us know.

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